Lesson 06 – Future and Past

Before doing any thing, we create a mental picture in our memory step by step about what we hope to do. To read this mental picture we use the following sentence pattern:

Pattern 1:   S + will + V5 (without ‘to’) + time (future)
e.g., I will bathe tomorrow.


You need a candle, a candle holder and a box of matches to practice this lesson.

Before practicing this, learn the following verb forms.

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
take took taken taking (to) take
open opened opened opening (to) open
take out took out taken out taking out (to) take out
close closed closed closing (to) close
strike struck struck striking (to) strike
light lit/lighted lit/lighted lighting (to) light
blow out blew out blown out blowing out (to) blow out
throw away threw away thrown away throwing away (to) throw away
keep kept kept keeping (to) keep


Step 1.

Stick the candle in the holder, put the box near the candle holder and say,

First, I will take the box.
Then, I’ll open the box.
Next, I’ll take out a match.
Then, I’ll close the box.
Then, I’ll strike the match.
Then, I’ll light the candle.
Then, I’ll blow out the match.
Next, I’ll throw away the match.
Last, I’ll keep the box near the candle holder.

Go back to Lesson-05 and follow the instructions given and start lighting the candle using the three sentence patterns you have already learnt.


Step  2.

I’m going to take the box.
I’m taking the box.
I’ve taken the box.

I’m going to open the box.
I’m opening the box.
I’ve opened the box.

I’m going to take out a match.
I’m taking out a match.
I’ve taken out a match.

I’m going to close the box.
I’m closing the box.
I’ve closed the box.

I’m going to strike the match.
I’m striking the match.
I’ve struck the match.

I’m going to light the candle.
I’m lighting the candle.
I’ve lit the candle.
I’m going to blow out the match.
I’m blowing out the match.
I’ve blown out the match.

I’m going to throw away the match.
I’m throwing away the match.
I’ve thrown away the match.

I’m going to keep the box near the candle holder.
I’m keeping the box near the candle holder.
I’ve kept the box near the candle holder.

After doing any thing, we store our experience in our memory system step by step. To read this mental picture taken back from the memory, we use the following sentence pattern:

Pattern 2:   S + V2 + time (past)
e.g., I bathed yesterday.


Now look at the candle you have lit, recollecting all the steps say:

First, I took the box.
Then, I opened the box.
Then, I took out a match.
Next, I closed the box.
Then, I struck the match.
Then, I lit the candle.
Then, I blew out the match.
Next, I threw away the match.
Last, I kept the box near the candle holder.

Notes: Your hopes and your experiences are the best starting points to learn a new language easily because converting others’ hopes and experiences to suit your hopes and experiences take more time and energy.

*Try to say what you hope to do tomorrow using the future sentence pattern.

*Try to say what you did yesterday using the past sentence pattern.