How To Speak English As English

The beauty of a language lies with the native speakers because they use it with feelings. First they feel and then they talk. They always break sentences perfectly correctly and stress words to express their feelings. But second language users, first learn some sentences and then use them in their day today conversations. They seldom understand the exact meanings and feelings of the words they use. They learn some set dialogues by heart just to communicate in English and solely defend on their ability to memorize some words and sentences.

Lack of understanding about the formation of sound units in a language causes the most difficult problem to be solved. Nearly all the users of English as their second language break sentences in wrong places whenever they speak or read. If you ask nonnative speaker to read, ‘Please, wash the cup and the glass.’, he is sure to read it as ‘please wash the … cup and the … glass’ Most English learners make this type of mistakes because they have never gained firsthand experience in using natural and correct English. If you want to learn the word ‘wash’, take your cup, start washing it and say ‘I am washing … my cup.’ Never say ‘I am … washing my … cup.

If you want to learn to speak English as English, use ‘act and learn’ method we are going to introduce here. The practice lessons given below should be done with utmost care until you feel confident about what you say. You should be extremely careful when you break a sentence into component parts and stressing the prominent words. Make your sentences flow smoothly and easy to understand by the listener.

How we think, act and talk

These five pictures give you a new idea about how we think and act. Whatever we do we pass these five steps. First, we decide what to do. Then, we get ready to do it. Next, we continue doing it. Then, we finish the action and see the result, and finally we think of doing something else by putting the action we completed into the past.

Learning to speak in English as a second language is very easy if you understand these five steps of an action and start expressing these steps in all your actions. First, use intransitive verbs. You need four forms of the verb for this. They are V2, V3, V4 and V5.

V2              V3             V4              V5

bathed      bathed       bathing       (to)bathe


Sentence Patterns:

S + will + V5 + time (Future).
S + is/ am/ are + going to + V5.
S + is/ am/ are + V4.
S + have/ has + V3.
S+ V2 + time (Past).

He will bathe tomorrow.
He is going to bathe.
He is bathing.
He has bathed
He bathed yesterday.

I will bathe tomorrow.
I am going to bathe.
I am bathing.
I have bathed
I bathed yesterday.




You can learn these five tenses easily by doing a practice lesson.

Practice lesson 01
Planting a rose cutting.

To plant a rose cutting, we need the things shown in this picture. Get the things ready to do the practice lesson.

Things needed for planting a rose cutting

a rose cutting, a pot, some soil, some manure, some water and a garden trowel.


Next, learn the action words.

Planting a rose cutting

Mix                              fill                          make                     plant


Planting a rose cutting

Cover                        press                   water                          keep


Learn the following verb forms.

 V1          V2          V3           V4          V5
mix         mixed       mixed       mixing      (to)mix
fill        filled      filled      filling     (to)fill
make        made        made        making      (to)make
plant       planted     planted     planting    (to)plant
cover       covered     covered     covering    (to)cover
press       pressed     pressed     pressing    (to)press
water       watered     watered     watering    (to)water
keep        kept        kept        keeping     (to)keep

You must be extremely careful when you read these sentences. Break the part of the sentences correctly when reading.

Planting a rose cuttingI will plant .. my rose cutting .. this evening.
First, I will mix .. the soil and the manure .. together.
Then, I will fill .. the pot .. with the mixture.
Next, I will make .. a hole .. in the middle of the pot.
Then, I will plant .. the rose cutting.. in the hole in the pot.
Then, I will cover .. the hole .. with some soil.
Then, I will press .. the soil in the pot.
Next, I will water .. the pot.
Last, I will keep .. the pot .. in a shade.

Never read the sentences like this:
I am .. going to mix the .. soil and the .. manure together.
I am going to .. fill the .. pot with the .. mixture.
I  am going .. to make a .. hole in the .. middle of the .. pot.

Now follow the picture and say the next steps like this.

Get the soil and the manure and get ready to mix them together and say:
I am going to mix .. the soil .. and the manure .. together.

While mixing the soil and the manure say:
I am mixing .. the soil .. and the manure .. together.

When you have finished mixing the soil and the manure together say:
I have mixed .. the soil .. and the manure .. together.

Planting a rose cutting


Get ready to fill the pot with the mixture and say:
I am going to fill .. the pot .. with the mixture.

While filling the pot with the mixture, say:
I am filling .. the pot .. with the mixture.

When you have finished filling the pot with the mixture, say:
I have filled .. the pot .. with the mixture.

Planting a rose cutting


Get ready to make a hole in the middle of the pot and say:
I am going to make .. a hole .. in the middle of the pot.

While making a hole in the middle of the pot, say:
I am making .. a hole .. in the middle of the pot.

When you have finished making a hole in the middle of the pot, say:
I have made .. a hole .. in the middle of the pot.

Planting a rose cutting


Get ready to plant the cutting in the hole in the pot and say:
I am going to plant .. the cutting .. in the hole in the pot.

While planting the cutting in the hole in the pot, say:
I am planting .. the cutting .. in the hole in the pot.

When you have finished planting the cutting in the pot, say:
I have planted .. the cutting .. in the hole in the pot.

Planting a rose cutting


I am going to cover .. the hole .. with some soil.
I am covering .. the hole .. with some soil.
I have covered .. the hole .. with some soil.

Planting a rose cutting


I am going to press .. the soil in the pot.
I am pressing .. the soil in the pot.
I have pressed .. the soil in the pot.

Planting a rose cutting


I am going to water .. the pot.
I am watering .. the pot.
I have watered .. the pot.

Planting a rose cutting


I am going to keep .. the pot .. in a shade.
I am keeping .. the pot .. in a shade.
I have kept .. the pot .. in a shade.

Planting a rose cutting


After keeping the pot in a shade, think about what you did. You need past tense sentence pattern to say what you did step by step.


Past Simple Tense

Pattern:     S  + V2 +  time (past).

I planted .. my rose cutting .. a few minutes ago.
First, I mixed .. the soil .. and the manure .. together.
Then, I filled .. the pot .. with the mixture.
Next, I made .. a hole .. in the middle of the pot.
Then, I planted .. the rose cutting .. in the hole in the pot.
Then, I covered .. the hole .. with some soil.
Then, I pressed .. the soil .. in the pot.
Next, I watered .. the pot.
Last, I kept .. the pot .. in a shade.

Planting a rose cutting


If you do this practice lesson perfectly correctly several times, you will be able to read these sentences smoothly with some feelings because your attention is really focus on the work you are engaged in. Only this type of exercises can help you to speak English as English. Never defend on just reading something and leaning some sentences by heart.